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broadband width中文是什么意思

用"broadband width"造句"broadband width"怎么读"broadband width" in a sentence


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  • Because gyrotron traveling wave tube amplifier ( gyro - twt ) is an important millimeter wave amplifier with the characteristics of the high output power , the broadband width , and good efficiency , which has vast application vistas in many areas such as millimeter radar , communications , electronic countermeasure , and so forth , it has been pay much respect in the world
    回旋行波管是一种大功率、高效率、宽频带放大器,在毫米波雷达,通信与电子战等方面有十分重要的应用前景,因而在国际上受到高度重视。由俄罗斯人g . denisov等提出的螺旋波纹波导是一种比较理想的结构。
用"broadband width"造句  
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